So you give birth to your little angel, that cute little smiling bundle of joy.  You spend the next couple of years nursing and nourishing your precious baby with the best you have to offer, the milk from your own breasts.  You nurse and then wean allowing your milk to dry up.  Then one day, the after effect dawns on you.  Your two, once full of milk breasts, now have much less volume, or may even not be so symetrical anymore.  Don't fret! I am about to share with you secrets to natural breast success after mommy boobs set in! You can get back the plump set you had if you follow these tips I have to share with you.  First you will need to go to your health food shop and purchase a few herbs known in Ayurveda for enhancing breast tissue.  These herbs are fennel, fenugreek, saw palmetto, red clover, and wild yam.  These herbs all contain photo-estrogen compounds which lower the masculine hormone testosterone and enhance the feminine estrogen in the body.  Estrogen makes our breasts grow while testosterone stops breast growth.  I will warn you though, wild yam, tends to enhance a woman's fertility drastically and pregnancy can easily occur.  Now that you have the herbs, make yourself a daily tea, and notice how your breasts become firmer and full.  The next tip I have for you is a natural root from Thailand.  It is called Pueria Mirifica.  You can order this from a reputable online source, such as, AINTEROL supplements.  I use this brand and am completely satisfied with the organic quality and effectiveness.   I also recommend that you practice yoga and meditation to enhance your well being and  shape your body as well.  My favorite is sun salutations for effective lifting.  Pay attention to cobra pose.  Widen the arms and squeeze those muscles that are just beside and below the breasts.  I also use back bend bridge as a way of developing my pectoral muscles and keeping them toned.  As a belly dancer I have found chest circles and lifts to tone as well.   Your beautiful mamas, just the way you are! All you need is to take care the natural way. A little tea and a little exercise!

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