Showing posts with label youtube videos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label youtube videos. Show all posts

Where did all my private access videos go? My Emlilah Erotisia Archival List? Lost! Because YooToob destroyed it all. Service Announcement!

IMPORTANT INFO along with video

Hello all! And To my American audience - Happy Labor Day (How F***ing Ironic. My own labor and work has been TRASHED)
I have more bad news to report: my second service announcement in the past month!  Yootoob a.k.a. Gootube has taken their abusive power to the max. They went and got all TOS-tossers enforcing upon my PRIVATE videos. Yes my PRIVATE UNRELEASED video collection. Because of that OUR other Network channel - is now gone!! It is Terminator'ed!!! WTF We are as pissed as you must be. We are beyond the limit of trying any new expansion in this unfair and unreasonable site. We are done with it. We will remain as we are ~ HERE. Please support by staying with us and considering my Emlilah feature film videos. R.I.P. That is where all the private access content lived! That is the huge archive which was going to be offered to consenting individuals, my loyal fans and viewers. Those who appreciate the Beauty and Nature of this living expression. But NO, YooToob would not have it.
That was the "Emlilah Erotisia Archival List" It is now gone. They destroyed it, all the 100s of hours of effort. It is now UNAVAILABLE due to their shadowy decision. Even though they allow all kinds of other such content on the site. Go figure. Can somebody refer us to a good lawyer? LOL

So you are wondering about our response, our solution? We are going to another site to reCreate the List, the archive, the Private Access videos! Yah!! WooHoo!! It is going to take weeks, months to re-do all this. Please be patient.

Where is this new place? The new site? Where will the new Emlilah Erotisia Archival List be found??? Secret!!! But those who have requested and ordered from me, you will know first. Also look to my site, the blog http://Emlila.ORG for further info. It will be entitled "new site for private access"

So in the near future, the next post will release the SECRET info! :)  With the link and the new list of videos!!! 


There happened to be another older video on youtube with the title "THIS GIRL IS INSANE".  Actually she was not that good, she had basic skill but no feeling, not real, and surely not natural. So we at Emlilah reality show had to borrow the title, because in our video, THIS GIRL IS TRULY INSANE. And she does it at home, with children? Amazing!

Hot Driver! Can you Pick me Up? Belly-Dancing EcstasyYoga


So far there is a sexy sensual page started Check it out~!

More super sensual content being released soon.  And a secret link for explicit imagery! Are you prepared?

My Best "unknown" Videos which U Probaly didn't find yet

Here are 3 of my videos which have been lost in the mix, because of the strangeness of the youtube system. I hope these videos get more attention and I hope you like them.

If you enjoyed these, let me know (comment, share, or come to my channel and thumbs-up!) I will make another post with more of these undiscovered videos soon.

Special request "custom made" videos are coming up! Are you ready?  This will be part of my PERKS offerings in the fund drive "Film Student does Directing Debut" on kickstarter really soon.

Next post will have more info and a direct link. Get those requests coming in there!! Please give me at least 6 months from time of the campaign, to complete your request. I really appreciate your patience. :)

I'm Curious Why some of my Videos get more views than other ones

It is something I cannot figure out. Why do some of my videos get the most views, while others which I thought are great to watch, they seem to not get viewed.. maybe they are hard to find?  For example the one of the most popular videos is this:

I wonder why this one is the best hit!  But I'm glad you watch it!
Here is another version, which I thought was more improved:

Thanks for watching, learning and enjoying!! Come to my youtube channel for the full collection..
BTW there are other videos of me online. I'm just not revealing where they are yet! :P  xox

Next post tomorrow will be 2 of my videos which get hardly any views.. but I think they are really worth watching! You decide whether you like or not and let me know (you can feel free to comment)