Showing posts with label yantra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yantra. Show all posts

Tantra for Women Loving Women with LoveJourney: Tantra of the Heart

So far there is a sexy sensual page started Check it out~! 
Much more explicit imagery is going to be released as 
a secret link for my special viewers!! stay tuned!! 

Are women "Goddesses"?  What goes on at Goddess gatherings?  Are women "Lesbians"?  What is this video conveying?  Whats the message?  How much of truth is this? That special word, ECSTASY is mentioned in this! 

Next up: Tantra, what is the truth about tantric practice?

So far there is a sexy sensual page started Check it out~! 
Much more explicit imagery is going to be released as 
a secret link for my special viewers!! stay tuned!! 

Tantra 101: The Truth About the Practice | Tantra 28, 2007 - Promising physical and spiritual ecstasy, Tantra workshops lure couples who want more from their relationships. But what really goes on?What is Tantra Yoga? Definitely Orgasmic, But Not FoundationMay 27, 2013 - A seeker asks Sadhguru, “What is tantra?” Sadhguru looks at tantra yoga, and explains how the Guru-disciple relationship can definitely be ...►The Tantra of Truth | Darren Austin Tantra of Truth is an album of incredible depth and power, provideing a perfect soundtrack for our power revolutionary times. Tantra, an ancient form of ...THE TRUTH ABOUT TANTRA | › Forums › ADDICTIONS › Sex AddictionNothing could be farther from the truth. The Tantric Path teaches us to embrace and unify the ordinary, the erotic, and the sacred dimensions of life, which all ...The Truth About Tantra, by Dr. John Mumford (Swami Lecturer and Author wrote: Contemporary American culture associates Tantra with sexuality and indeed there does exist a "Tantric Sexual Marga" ...The Truth About Tantric Sex & How You Can Benefit | Care2 8, 2012 - Tantric sex is not so much about sex as about approaching sexuality as a way to expand spiritually. Several specific practices are described.Tantric - Quotations of Zen Master Rama, Dr. Frederick tantra one does not seek experiences that most people would consider unspiritual and try to see truth in them. In tantra we don't try to guide our life in a ...