Belle Knox is the College Freshman from Duke University who is paying for her tuition by doing Porn.  This may be controversial topic to many, but I find it a great chance to speak my mind on Women, the World, Politics, and Spirituality.  Ok, so maybe you will have to wait unit I write my first book to get that deep into all the layers I wish to speak on, but let me just get started with laying out a few naked ideas here.  We are in the middle of a Universal shift, a major time is being made in history right now.  Women have serviced through sexuality as a very natural arts form since the beginning of time, and perhaps it should be dawned upon and praised as a worth and value.  Relationships are realizing that connection no longer means happily ever, hum whats that M word…  One being can not possess another and so forth comes freedom in an entire new way.  Women are remembering past lives where we lived among two hundred sisters and awaited one King, whom owned us all, to beckon us for our night with him.  Women are breaking those chains and fleeing to the next portal in space and time.  Sometimes this means showing out sexually for the world, a somewhat noble act, that when done with the elegance that I see in Miss Belle Knox, is beautiful, tasteful, and even inspiring.  I love her natural breasts and very little make up.  I believe she is a new sex icon that depicts something women can strive to be in learning about themselves sexually.  I also believe she is young and her learning path is just unfolding into a web of choices that she will have to make.  One of those choices is if she will continue to do porn with men and which ones she will choose to be with.  So this brings me to the important topic of Sex and our DNA.  A woman must realize that she literally becomes spiraled with each mans DNA that she ingests or comes in contact with.  Sexual energy is a huge factor in shaping us.   Many years ago, I met with a Cherokee medicine woman who spoke on this.  She mentioned that for seven years, after having sexual contact, one takes on, as though downloading a movie reel, the others entire energy, memories, and DNA.  She was right.  Years to follow into my maturity, spirit guided me into the presence of a powerful teacher who taught me this awareness in my time with him.  That part is for the book, and so I leave you with one more mere idea to ponder.  What if Politics were changed and order was formed in this world around the concept of money.  Who would Belle be?  Perhaps she would still have the beautiful desire to learn and master her sexual energy, yet instead of the pressure of earning money to climb the ladder placed in front of her, she would simply breathe in the garden of Eden and enjoy the fruit of life without worry.  This inspires the thought that perhaps Belle will create for herself quite the unique path as she journeys through one dimension of this world and reality into the next.  Who knows what she will master in her College Years.  Perhaps she will even become President of a nation, for this nation has so much to learn from reality.  I wish you good luck Belle.  Don't let them pull you down.  Ascend into the mastery of yourself, your own inner flower, and acknowledge who is the DNA you should surrender with at all times.  We are letting go of the years that tried to own us, we are stepping into the great Millennia of shifting us into pure existence.  This comes with great responsibility to care for the self, heal the self, and find inner peace.  Politics and Porn, Spirituality and Sexuality, it is all inner connected, and we are the divine beings revealing truth for all to witness.

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